Mizuki, TADA
Title / Professor
Degree / Ph.D. (Sci.) Univ. Tokyo
Noyori Materials Sci. Buld. 406,
Furo, Chikusa, Nagoya
Professional Experiences
Invited Lectures
1) 2008 Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis, New London, USA, June 2008.
2) 14th International Congress on Catalysis, Seoul, Korea, July 2008.
3) 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, March 2009.
4) 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, March 22-26, 2009.
5) The 5th Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR)”, Pohang, Korea, July 5-9, 2010.
6) 1st International Conference on Molecular and Functional Catalysis, Singapore, Singapore, July 11-15, 2010. (Keynote Lecture)
7) RSC-CSJ Joint Symposium, London, UK, July 15-16, 2010.
8) The 9th JOM symposium “Frontiers in Organometallic Chemistry” (PACIFICHEM 2010), Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2010.
9) The Molecular Materials Meeting (M3), Singapore International Conference on “Big Ideas in Molecular Materials”, Singapore, Singapore, Jan. 2011 (Keynote Lecture).
10) 2011 Gordon Conference on X-Ray Science, Colby College in Waterville, US, August 2011.
11) Gordon Conference on X-Ray Science, Colby College in Waterville, ME, US, August 7-12, 2011.
12) EuropaCat X, Glasgow, UK, Aug. 28-Sep. 2, 2011 (Keynote Lecture).
13) 15th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Berlin, Germany, Sep. 11-16, 2011 (Keynote Lecture).
14) 3rd Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry, New Delhi, India, Oct. 17-20, 2011.
15) Germany-Japan Round Table ? From the early universe to the evolution of life ?, Heidelberg, Germany, Dec. 1-3, 2011.
16) Fifth International Symposium on Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology, Osaka, Oct. 22-24, 2012.
17) X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy: New Insights at the Interface between Homogeneous, Heterogeneous and Hybrid Catalysis, An EPSRC Dial-a-Molecule Grand Challenge Theme Meeting, Oxford, UK, Sep. 2013 (Plenary Lecture).